Length: one-day program
Length: one-day program
The immortals’ Guide to Self-massage and Breath Regulation and the Red Phoenix Calisthenics will be completed in levels 4 and 5. In addition, by the end of level 5 students will have learned the Internal Five Animals System (tiger, dragon, leopard, snake, crane) of physical strengthening as well as the last two postures of Yiquan Standing Qigong.
Length: each level is a two-day program
Talk: The Warrior Qigong Lineage and Practice
Prerequisite: Levels 1 through 5;This is a prerequisite for Level 6
Prerequisite: Levels 1 through 5;Tendon-Changing/Marrow-Washing Intensive;This is a prerequisite for Level 6
Talk: Breath, Vital Energy, and Vapor
Prerequisite: Levels 1 through 5;Tendon-Changing/Marrow-Washing Intensive;This is a prerequisite for Level 6
Talk: Zhou Dunyi's Treatise on the Taiji Principle
Prerequisite: Levels 1 through 5; Tendon-Changing/Marrow-Washing Intensive;This is a prerequisite for Level 6
Prerequisite: Tendon-Changing/Marrow-Washing Intensive;Animal Forms Intensive;This is a prerequisite for Level 6
Qigong practice in this level will be integrated with sitting meditation.
Prerequisite: Levels 1 through 5 and all five intensives
Length: three-day program
In level 7 students will learn how to arouse the inner fire for the transmutation of generative energy (jing) into vital energy (qi).
Length: each level is a three-day program